In a relationship, men want three things more from a woman than their physical needs

When did man come into being? How did the first human beings come into being? Archaeologists have come up with a very professional answer to this question.

But no matter how the human race came into being, its reproduction is inseparable from the men and women of the world. In other words, relationships between men and women are the most basic relationships in the world.

What is a relationship between the sexes? In a broad sense, all relations between men and women belong to gender relations. In the narrow sense, sexual relations refer to sexual relations between men and women.

Although sexual relationships are crucial to human reproduction, they focus on many other things besides sex.

According to a survey conducted by psychologists, couples are only in love for three months.What are the rose toys? In other words, the vast majority of couples in the world live together in the ordinary. So, can sexual relationships permanently sustain relationships between men and women?

Obviously not, or there wouldn’t be so many cheating men and women in the world.

Statistics on extramarital affairs in China show that sexual incompatibility accounts for only a small proportion of cheating men and women, while other reasons such as loneliness, emptiness or lack of love account for the vast majority.

It follows that while the sexual needs of men and women are important, they are not the only reason for maintaining a harmonious and stable relationship. So what do men want from women besides their physical needs?

1. Understanding

When we were young, we all fantasized about having a soulmate or soulmate. But when you grow up and enter the society, you realize that no one can truly understand your pain, and no one can truly feel your pain, even the closest people.

However, although the reality is harsh, we still have to try to understand those who are around us, especially our partners.

Why do you say that? Psychologist Hellinger believes that the relationship between husband and wife is the most important relationship in a family. Only when the relationship between husband and wife is harmonious and stable, the whole family atmosphere will be normal.

Therefore, couples must understand each other.

Marriage psychologist Karen Horney believes that men are generally repressed in society. Have you ever heard these words? There is gold under a man’s knee, a man has tears do not flick. These are the demands that society places on men, and in this environment, men have to appear strong.

But a man is a man before he is a man.

According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, besides satisfying physiological needs and safety needs, the third thing people need to satisfy is the need of belonging and love. In other words, people need to form close relationships with others.

In the current society, if a man shows a weak side, then he is likely to be looked down upon by the rest of the society. So in order to avoid this, men tend to hide their true feelings in the mind. In this kind of social environment, men are always not good at expressing, father love is always deep.

As a result, women need to understand their husbands better as partners. When they are in a bad mood, the wife should show her relationship to her husband in time. At the same time, the wife should also stand by the husband, let the husband feel that the wife understands and cares for him.

2. Trust

The psychologist Roetter once gave a definition of trust. He believed that trust is an individual’s trust in the words and actions of others, which benefits from the fact that others can always meet the expectations of individuals.

Trust is very important in interpersonal communication. When men and women connect, their families, lives, and possessions are likely to connect. Trust is especially important at this time. A relationship between a man and a woman is only possible when both parties have absolute trust in each other.

According to psychologist John, trust between men and women is related to three factors.

The first is predictability, which means that individuals’ expectations of their partner’s behavior are generally met. When individuals can basically predict their partner’s behavior, it indicates that they already know each other well, and in this case, trust increases.

The second is dependability. Dependability refers to whether an individual’s dependent behavior on a partner can be reciprocated or satisfied.

When an individual needs help from a partner, a partner can provide a certain value to him and help him through difficult times. At this time, trust between men and women will also increase.

The last one is faith. Faith refers to the willingness of both men and women to consider each other as their partners, and the willingness of both to go forward with determination. In John’s view, belief is the decisive factor, even more important than the first two factors.

Therefore, partners should build trust in each other. Only when enough trust is established can the relationship be sustained. If partners are always suspicious of each other, then the other will get bored.

3. Charm

What is charm? Simply put, charisma is hormones. Biologists believe that hormones are wonderful substances. It stimulates the organs in the human body and causes them to react, which is one of the reasons why men and women are attracted to each other.

It’s often said that relationships are at their best when they’re ambiguous. In the ambiguous period of men and women, both sides are not enough to understand each other, the contact between each other has a strong sense of freshness.

But after marriage, the couple lives together, and there is no mystery or novelty between the couple.

Men no longer pay attention to their personal hygiene and their appearance. Many men become fat and bald after marriage.  Women are the same, before marriage, many women like to dress up themselves. But after marriage, most women lose interest in grooming themselves.

In fact, charm is the absolute secret to maintaining a relationship. If a person is able to consistently charm their partner, they will feel a never-ending amount of novelty.

They will discover that the person they have been with all their life may have hidden treasures. The same is true for men.

Therefore, both men and women should continue to improve themselves after establishing a relationship. Marriage is just a stage in life, we should not lose ourselves because of marriage.

Only by increasing your attractiveness will your partner continue to be attracted to you, making it more conducive to maintaining a stable and harmonious relationship.

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